Sending emails using Gmail SMTP

It is possible to add any ImprovMX alias as a sending email on Gmail. Free and reliable.
It only takes a minute to setup! Any questions? Contact us.

Just so you know…This feature relies on an older Google functionality that could be discontinued at any time. It also adds a ‘via’ note to your emails which might not seem as professional.

Our premium plans include a custom SMTP service that avoids these issues. With ImprovMX SMTP, you won’t have to worry about unexpected changes from Google or unprofessional email notations.

  1. Make sure you have 2FA enabled

    For this method to work, you need to have two factor authentification enabled for your Google account. If it’s not, follow the link below and set it up.

    Enable 2FA for your Google account
  2. Create an App Password

    Google will verify your ownership with this app password. Select “Other (Custom name)” under app, and type “ImprovMX alias” as the name. Hit “Generate”. Copy and keep for later!

    Create an app password
  3. Add your email to Gmail

    Go to Gmail -> Settings -> Accounts and Import. Then, select “Add another email address you own” under Aliases.

  4. Fill in your sender’s information

    Set your forwarded email (your alias) and your sender’s name. Untick “treat as an alias”.

  5. Fill in your email informations

    SMTP is, port is right already.
    Username is your gmail address (incl.
    Password is the password you generated on Step 2.
    Leave TLS enabled as is.

  6. Confirm ownership

    You will receive an email from Gmail asking you to confirm ownership with a code. Open the link, click Confirm, and you are all set!

  7. Send emails from your alias

    Now you can just select your alias in the list when you compose a new message.